We partner with a number of different local and national organizations, governmental groups, societies, services, and research labs that work to promote the overall well-being of Canadians.

Community Partners
Abilities Centre
Abilities Centre is a charitable organization that delivers enriching sports and fitness, arts, research and education, and life skills opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. The Abilities Centre acts as an accessible, inclusive, and barrier-free community hub that provides inclusive programs and services of the highest quality and value.
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) is a voluntary organization composed of professionals interested and involved in the scientific study of exercise physiology, exercise biochemistry, fitness and health.
Canadian Disability Participation Project
The Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP) is an alliance of university, public, private and government sector partners working together to enhance community participation among Canadians with physical disabilities.
Canadian Disability and Policy Alliance
The Canadian Disability Policy Alliance is a national collaboration of disability researchers, advocates, and policy-makers, aimed at creating and mobilizing knowledge to enhance disability policy in Canada.
Canadian Paralympic Committee
The Canadian Paralympic Committee is a non-profit, private organization with 25 member sports organizations dedicated to strengthening the Paralympic Movement. By supporting Canadian high performance athletes with a disability and promoting their success, the Canadian Paralympic Committee inspires all Canadians with a disability to get involved in sport through programs delivered by its member organizations.
Special Olympics Canada
For 50 years, Special Olympics Canada has enriched the lives of Canadians with an intellectual disability – of all ages and skill levels – through the transformative power of sport. Special Olympics Canada offers more than 5,500 programs in communities across the country and welcomes all individuals with an intellectual disability from age two and up.
Established in 1971, ParticipACTION is a national non-profit organization helping Canadians sit less and move more through innovative engagement initiatives and thought leadership. As Canada’s premier physical activity brand, ParticipACTION helps Canadians sit less and move more through innovative engagement initiatives and thought leadership.
Research Collaborators
SCI Action Canada
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Action Canada was developed as a partnership of community-based organizations and university-based researchers in 2007, that aims to advance physical activity knowledge and participation among Canadians with SCI.
The TIE Lab
The main objective of the TIE Lab is to understand the psychosocial determinants of physical activity adoption and maintenance and to promote this health behaviour through interventions. Our research and interventions are grounded in theoretical approaches to physical activity and health promotion among adults particularly those with chronic conditions (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, and disability).
The ADAPT lab focuses on the interplay between physical activity and mental health outcomes across the lifespan in both clinical and community-based populations living with chronic health conditions.
The Psychology of Physical Activity and Exercise Across the Lifespan Lab
The Psychology of Physical Activity and Exercise Across the Lifespan Lab at York University focuses on understanding health promotion and the development of optimally effective health promotion messages targeting psychosocial predictors of behaviour among special populations (e.g., people with SCI, MS) as well as children and youth.