Are you looking to join the Revved Up group?
We are currently recruiting and accepting applications for MSc, PhD, and post-doctoral fellows. Find out more below!

Potential Research Streams
Dr. Jennifer Tomasone
Dr. Amy Latimer-Cheung
Graduate students are integral to the success and advancement of my research program. Applications for study at the MSc and PhD level are welcome. Students will develop expertise in areas related to health promotion, health communication, and special populations. Internal funding is available. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to apply to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program, the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (, the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (, and other agencies that provide support for graduate students. Interested applicants with an entrance average above 80 should get in touch with Dr. Latimer-Cheung via e-mail. Please forward a copy of your resume and your unofficial academic transcript.
Current Graduate Student Projects
Exploring quality experiences over time in an exercise program for persons with physical disability
Examining the role of physical activity in mitigating stereotypes of disability
Exploring parents’ perceptions of the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for children and youth
- Engaging community stakeholders to develop recommendations for an exercise program for cancer survivors in Kingston
- Evaluating the use of motivational interviewing to improve physicians’ intentions and behaviours for physical activity counselling

Funding Opportunities
Prospective students are encouraged to seek out more information about funding opportunities from:
- The Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program
- The Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- The Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- And other agencies that provide support for graduate students.
Application Process
Interested applicants should email Dr. Tomasone or Dr. Latimer-Cheung with a letter of interest along with a resume and an unofficial transcript.